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Friday, September 16, 2016

Ohio State Bar Association Environmental Law Award:Call for Papers Submission Guidelines

Topic: Any topic that advances the application and practice of environmental, energy or resources law in the State of Ohio.

Eligibility: You are eligible to enter the OSBA Environmental Law Award: Call for Papers if you are currently enrolled in law school. The submission must be the student’s original, unpublished and uncopyrighted work. The paper may be prepared to satisfy a course requirement or for other academic credit. However, the paper must be the work of the submitting student without substantial editorial input from others. Only one paper may be submitted per entrant. Joint submissions are not permitted.

Prize: The winner of this contest will receive a prize of $1000 donated by McMahon DeGulis LLP. The second place winner will receive a prize of $250.

Submissions: Submissions may be of any length up to a maximum of 50 pages, in a double spaced, 8.5x11-inch page format with 12 point font (10 point for footnotes). All entries must be submitted electronically to You will receive a confirmation by email. The subject line should be “Response to Call for Papers” and the paper and cover page should be separate attachments.

Each submission should include a SEPARATE COVER PAGE with the entrant’s name, law school, year of study, mailing and email address, and phone number. The contestant’s name and other identifying markings, such as school name, may not appear on any copy of the submitted essay. The cover page should also include an abstract of not more than 250 words and certification that the article has not been published or is not slated to be published elsewhere. This certification grants McMahon DeGulis LLP and the OSBA the non-exclusive license to publication.

Submissions must be received by 5 pm EST on January 31, 2017.

A random number will be assigned to each entry and record of this number on all copies of each essay submitted. Neither the contestant’s identity nor his/her academic institution will be known to the selection committee.

Selection: Submitted articles will be judged on the following criteria: relevance to the practice of law in Ohio, timeliness and importance of selected topic; organization; quality of legal analysis; quality of legal research; and quality of the overall writing. In the event of a tie, the first tiebreaker will be the score for relevance to the practice of law in Ohio. The winning paper is expected to be of law review quality or better.

For additional information, please contact Louis L. McMahon, Esq. of McMahon DeGulis LLP at 216-367-1407 or

Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University
and theAssociation of Family and Conciliation Courtspresent the eighth annual

Family Law Writing Competition

Hofstra Law and the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) are sponsoring the seventh annual Family Law Writing Competition. The competition is run in cooperation with the editorial staff of the Family Court Review, which is the academic and research journal of  AFCC. The Family Court Review is an interdisciplinary and international journal published quarterly by Wiley and in cooperation with the Center for Children, Families, and the Law at Hofstra Law. The Family Court Review contributes to and facilitates discourse among the judicial, legal, mediation, mental health and social services communities.

Topics for Submission
The subject of entries may be within any area of family law, although topics that focus on international or interdisciplinary subjects of family law are especially encouraged. Articles should concentrate on a current legal issue and must have a strong foundation in legal research. Use of interdisciplinary sources may also be appropriate for many topics.

Entries will be judged on the quality of legal analysis, originality, depth or research, timeliness, creativity and format. The Family Court Review’s editors and a subcommittee of editorial board members will evaluate all articles.

Submissions must be the work of one person. No joint authorships will be accepted, except articles written jointly by a law student and mental health, social science or other relevant graduate student. Submissions must be originally argued and researched legal papers. Hofstra Law students are ineligible to participate. Law students can be from any country. Advice and input from professors, judges and professionals in the field is allowed, but the author must research and write the entire article. Entries cannot be more than 25 double-spaced pages in length, including footnotes. Articles must be in Times New Roman, 12-point font, with 1-inch margins. Authors from the United States must comply with The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, 20th Edition. Authors from outside the United States must conform to the relevant legal-citation format commonly used in that country and must indicate the citation format used. The submitted article cannot be published elsewhere.

Submissions must be received by February 1, 2017. The winners will be notified no later than April 15, 2017.

If you have questions, please contact the Managing Editor of the Family Court Review at

First Prize
·   $500 cash prize courtesy of the Center for Children, Families and the Law at Hofstra Law.

·   Certificate of recognition as first-place winner.

·   Consideration for publication of the article in the Family Court Review

·   Letter to the dean of the student’s law school.

·   One-year complimentary AFCC student membership, including a one-year subscription to the Family Court Review


·   Complimentary conference registration to AFCC’s 54th Annual Conference, held May 31-June 3, 2017, in Boston. (Does not include hotel, transportation and food).

Honorable Mention
(Up to two)
·   $250 cash prize courtesy of the Center for Children, Families and the Law at Hofstra Law.

·   Certificate of recognition as the honorable-mention winner.

·   Consideration for publication of the article in the Family Court Review

·   Letter to the dean of the student’s law school.


All submissions must be emailed as a Microsoft Word or PDF document to the Family Court Review at Hard copies are not permissible.