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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Patent Law: Advice from a 2005 Grad and Patent Attorney

Dr. Kelce S. Wilson, Sr. Technical Director, Patent Litigation, for Blackberry, is a 2005 CapLaw grad, who has been working as a patent attorney.

Recently, Dr. Wilson co-authored two articles one for Intellectual Property Today and one for Law360. In an email to the Office of Professional Development about the articles, he states,
I believe [the articles] would be quite valuable to any of your students who are thinking about a career in patent law.  I wrote one as a guide for new patent attorneys who are just starting out, to assist them with long-term career planning.  The other article is a companion article for in-house general counsel, advising how to select a patent attorney for a particular matter.  As you can expect the article aimed at new patent attorneys tells them to obtain the experience that the general counsel will be seeking.  They are the same subject matter, but aimed at different audiences.
You can read the articles he references at:

In closing his email, Dr. Wilson said, 
I have been exceptionally fortunate, in that I have specifically guided my own career path according to the advice in the articles when the idea first occurred to me back in 2005.  However, few patent attorneys that I have met have thought about their careers in a similar manner.
The OPD sends a collective "Thank You" to Dr. Wilson for his advice to future CapLaw patent attorneys!

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