Office Description

The Office of Professional Development blog is your resource for up to the minute news, advice, and information relating to your career and professional development.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Interviewing: An Employer's Perspective

CapLaw alumnus Troy Doucet (L'10), founder and owner of Doucet & Associates Co., L.P.A., recently posted on his firm's blog an enlightening post discussing tips for a successful interview with a litigation firm. 

His post is broken down into four sections:

  1. Have a sense of your interests.
  2. Be able to articulate your long term goals.
  3. Be efficient during our interview.
  4. Project a professional appearance
  5. Be positive and enthusiastic.
Take a few minutes to read Troy's blog. His candid advice is applicable to all interviewees regardless of the practice setting in which he or she may ultimately work and solidly follows the three P's of interviewing: being prepared, professional, and persuasive. 

If you have questions about interviewing or wish to conduct a mock interview, contact the Office of Professional Development to schedule an appointment.

Hat tip to alumnus Troy Doucet for sharing his blog post.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

10th Annual Heartland Diversity Legal Job Fair

The 10th Annual Heartland Diversity Legal Job Fair (HDLJF) will be held August 1-2, 2014, in Kansas City, Missouri.  Students who are interested in becoming part of Kansas City’s dynamic legal community should strongly consider attending this event.  Students who will be returning to school in August and those graduating in May are eligible to attend the job fair, as employers will be interviewing for both summer and post-graduate positions.

The HDLJF is the result of Kansas City's leading law firms, legal associations, and corporate legal departments coming together to encourage law students to practice law in Kansas City.  The HDLJF is designed to expose law students of diverse backgrounds to both traditional and non-traditional legal employers.  In addition, the event is a great way to learn more about living in this wonderful city.

The HDLJF will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.  It will kick off with an evening Welcome Reception on Friday, August 1st at the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association.  The Saturday schedule includes a continental breakfast, interviewing from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and a luncheon at which participants will be greeted and addressed by a special Keynote Speaker.

Please register as soon as possible.  Students who register before May 16th will be entered into a drawing for exciting prizes.  The final deadline for registering is June 14, 2014.

Students can register on-line at

Monday, March 10, 2014

Agricultural & Food Law Explained

Many law students have never taken an agricultural law or food law course. They do not know what these special disciplines are about or what job opportunities might be available.

We produced a presentation, Why Study Agricultural & Food Law? to provide additional information. We hope your students will find it helpful. Please feel free to distribute this email widely or to incorporate the slideshow presentation into your career services resources.

Here is a link to the blog post containing the Why Study Agricultural & Food Law presentation. 

Here is a direct link to the YouTube posting:  

The code for embedding the video is: 

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

We are accepting applications for 2014-15, and we still have some graduate assistantships available. These are merit based awards that include a tuition waiver.

For questions, please contact:

Susan A. Schneider
Professor of Law
Director, LL.M. in Agricultural & Food Law
University of Arkansas School of Law
Fayetteville, AR  72701
(479) 575-4334
(479) 839-4058 (home)
(479) 466-6361 (cell)
Author, Food, Farming & Sustainability

Friday, March 7, 2014

2014 NAPABA Central Region Conference

2014 NAPABA Central Region Conference
April 4-5, 2014 in Cleveland, Ohio
Hosted by the Asian American Bar Association of Ohio               

Click Here to Register Now for the 2014 NAPABA Central Region Conference!

General Registration Information
  • Conference and Dinner Gala Package (includes Friday Welcome Reception, all CLEs, and Saturday Gala Dinner):
    • Law students:  $75 per student
  • Saturday Gala Dinner Only:
    • Law students:  $50 per student
  • CLEs Only (includes all CLEs and Saturday Lunch, does not include Friday Welcome Reception and Saturday Gala Dinner):
    • Law students:  $40 per student
  • Friday Welcome Reception (Free for those that have purchased the “Conference and Dinner Gala Package”)
    • Ticket price:  $15