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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

2015-2016 Louis Jackson National Student Writing Competition in Employment and Labor Law

Co-sponsored by Jackson Lewis LLP and IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, the Institute for Law and the Workplace

Judges will consider papers on any topic relating to the law governing the workplace, such as employment law, labor law, employee benefits, or employment discrimination.

Entries must be the law student author’s own work and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere. Authors must have completed or be currently taking course work in employment or labor law, and must be enrolled in an accredited law school during the Fall 2015 semester. Only the first two submissions per law school will be accepted as entries for consideration.

The deadline for submission is Tuesday, January 19, 2016.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Howard C. Schwab Memorial Essay Contest

Section of Family Law Logo

• You’ll receive $1,500 (1st place); $750 (2nd place); or $350 (3rd place)!
• Your work could be published in the American Bar Association Section of Family Law’s scholarly journal, Family Law Quarterly and/or the Section’s website.
• Your Dean will be notified of your achievement.
• You’ll receive a certificate of recognition, and a one-year complimentary membership to the ABA Section of Family Law. You’ll also be invited to attend the Annual Awards Luncheon at our Annual Meeting in the summer.

Essays must be postmarked by April 29, 2016. If you’d like to participate in this year’s contest, you must fill out an entry form by April 15th so we may assign you an entry number.

For guidelines, rules, and application, visit:

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

American Bar Association Section of Labor and Employment Law and
The College of Labor and Employment Lawyers
Annual Law Student Writing Competition for 2015-2016

The ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law and the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers are pleased to announce their 2015-2016 writing competition. This competition is open to articles written while the author is a student at an accredited law school in the United States. Authors may not have graduated from law school prior to December 1, 2015. Graduate students in law school (LL.M. candidates) are not eligible. Entries should address aspects of public or private sector labor and/or employment law relevant to the American labor and employment bar. Students are encouraged to discuss a public policy issue, practical implications of a leading case or doctrine, a statute or the need for statutory modification, or a common law doctrine. Articles may address U.S. law, international law of relevance to U.S. labor and employment attorneys, or how a legal topic is treated in states across the country. Papers limited to the law of a single state will not be considered. Papers must be analytical in nature, not merely a summary of the law. Students must present and discuss competing points of view with respect to the issue addressed and must distinguish their conclusions from opposing positions with sound logic and reference to multiple primary and secondary sources. We discourage students from writing articles about a recent Supreme Court decision or a case pending before the Supreme Court unless the article focuses upon case law or statutory developments subsequent to the Supreme Court's decision.
The following prizes may be awarded by the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers: First Place: $3000, Second Place: $1000, Third Place: $500. The first-place winning article will be published in the ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law. In addition, the author will be a guest at the annual CLE program of the ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law and honored at the Annual Induction Dinner of the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers. The College and the Section reserve the right not to select any article for publication or award any prizes if, in their judgment, the submissions do not meet their standards for outstanding legal writing.


Monday, October 12, 2015

2016 OSBA Environmental Law Award: Call for papers and submission guidelines

Topic: Any topic that advances the application and practice of environmental, energy or resources law in the State of Ohio.

Eligibility: You are eligible to enter the OSBA Environmental Law Award: Call for Papers if you are currently enrolled in law school. The submission must be the student's original, unpublished and uncopyrighted work.  The paper may be prepared to satisfy a course requirement or for other academic credit. However, the paper must be the work of the submitting student without substantial editorial input from others. Only one paper may be submitted per entrant. Joint submissions are not permitted.

Prize: The winner of this contest will receive a prize of $1000 donated by McMahon DeGulis LLP. The second place winner will receive a prize of $250.

Submissions: Submissions may be of any length up to a maximum of 50 pages, in a double spaced, 8.5x11-inch page format with 12 point font (10 point for footnotes). All entries must be submitted electronically to You will receive a confirmation by email. The subject line should be "Response to Call for Papers" and the paper and cover page should be separate attachments. 

Each submission should include a SEPARATE COVER PAGE with the entrant's name, law school, year of study, mailing and email address, and phone number. The contestant's name and other identifying markings, such as school name, may not appear on any copy of the submitted essay. The cover page should also include an abstract of not more than 250 words and certification that the article has not been published or is not slated to be published elsewhere. This certification grants McMahon DeGulis LLP and the OSBA the non-exclusive license to publication.

Submissions must be received by 5 p.m. EST on Jan. 29, 2016.

A random number will be assigned to each entry and record of this number on all copies of each essay submitted. Neither the contestant's identity nor his/her academic institution will be known to the selection committee.

Selection: Submitted articles will be judged on the following criteria: relevance to the practice of law in Ohio, timeliness and importance of selected topic; organization; quality of legal analysis; quality of legal research; and quality of the overall writing. In the event of a tie, the first tiebreaker will be the score for relevance to the practice of law in Ohio. The winning paper is expected to be of law review quality or better.

For additional information, please contact Louis L. McMahon, Esq., of McMahon DeGulis LLP at (216) 367-1407 or