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Tuesday, January 10, 2017
2017 Student Essay Competition
CABA is proud to
announce the 2017 edition of its annual student essay competition. This
competition is an integral part of CABA’s mission to provide a voice to
Canadians in the United States and Americans in Canada and to foster a
greater understanding of rules with cross-border implications as well as
an engagement in their development.
Any student registered in a Canadian or American law school for the
Winter and/or Spring semesters of 2017 (whether in the J.D., LL.B.,
B.C.L. or equivalent first degree program, or in the LL.M.
program). However, students completing doctoral or postdoctoral
studies are not admissible.
In addition, based on this year’s essay theme, students registered in
undergraduate or master’s degree programs which have a mandatory
international law component are also admissible.