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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

CAVC Bar Association Judicial Conference Scholarship Competition

The U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC) Bar Association is pleased to announce a scholarship competition specifically geared to law students. Five students will be selected to receive a paid registration ($275 value) to the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims 12th Judicial Conference – a two-day conference to be held on Thursday, April 18 and Friday, April 19, 2013, at the Grand Hyatt Washington at Metro Center (1000 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20001). Winners will also receive free registration to the Bar Association's half-day component ($95 value) which will immediately follow in the afternoon on Friday, April 19. The Judicial Conference, which is expected to sell out, will include presentations from notable authorities in the field of Veterans Law. More information regarding the Court's judicial conference may be found on the Court's web page at

Please note that any expenses incurred for travel to and lodging for the Judicial Conference will be the responsibility of the student. Students are encouraged to consult with their law school to determine if funds are available to subsidize travel costs.

Eligibility and Entry Requirements:

To be eligible, applicants must be currently enrolled at an ABA accredited law school. To enter, applicants must submit their entries under any one of the three categories described below and must specifically identify the category they have selected. Only one entry is permitted per applicant.

Entries must be transmitted via email to for consideration.

The deadline for all entries is Monday, February 25. The five winners will be announced on the Bar Association's website ( after Monday, March 4, 2013, and will be registered free of charge for the two-day conference.

Good luck!
Competition categories (choose one):

1. Writing competition -- Students seeking a scholarship under this category should describe a current challenge affecting veterans and should include a proposed solution or means to address the challenge. Written submissions should be a minimum of 500 (but should not exceed 750) words. Students who win a scholarship in this category will be expected to allow to the Bar Association to reprint a full or condensed version of their essay in an upcoming issue of the Veterans Law Journal, the quarterly publication of the CAVC Bar Association. Suggested topics include:

a. Suicide: Currently, one veteran commits suicide every 80 minutes. Some estimates state that 150,000 Vietnam Veterans have committed suicide. This is not a new problem, but rather an enduring one. What can be done to address this epidemic?

b. Claims processing: On average, a VA disability claim takes six months to process. That means a veteran is without benefits for six months until VA gives him an initial decision on his application. What recommendations would you make to ensure veterans do not lose hope in the system or avoid seeking assistance altogether?

c. Increase in women veterans: With the number of women veterans expected to increase dramatically in the next 10 years, what recommendations would you make in adapting traditional veteran services to the female population?

2. Community service - Students who seek a scholarship under this category must describe individual community service or outreach involving Veterans. This can come in the form of volunteering for charities, veteran service organizations, bringing attention to social/political issues, or even just making a difference in one veteran's life. This entry should be in essay form (500-750 words) and should include a letter of recommendation from the appropriate individual or organization.

3. Artistic contribution - Students seeking a scholarship under this category would create an artistic depiction recognizing or honoring veterans, or raising awareness of veterans' issues. Judging will be based on how well the piece conveys its intended message and the creativity and choice of medium. Entries under this category may be in the form of a drawing, painting, poem, song, photo collage, or video. Students who win a scholarship in this category will be expected to sign a release granting permission to the Bar Association to use that work, with attribution to the creator, in the Bar Association's efforts to recognize and honor veterans or to raise awareness of veterans' issues.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC) Bar Association
Ben Franklin Station · P.O. Box 7992 · Washington, D.C. 20044-7992

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